Interview with Lorenzo Mittiga

Lorenzo Mitttiga
Bonaire is known for its pristine reefs and beautiful marine life. As divers we have the responsibility to protect this part of nature. Lorenzo Mittiga does the same, as an Aqualung ocean ambassador he educates people through his pictures.
His work is widely known and awarded with several prizes. He worked together with Natgeographic, Divermag, Aqualung and many other big brands in the dive world!
He arrived on Bonaire in the 2012 with his partner Elisabetta after living and traveling for 7 years in different parts of the world, such as Seychelles, Red Sea, Mauritius, Australia, Chile and a small Italian island, Ischia.
His aim as Ocean Photographer and Ocean ambassador is to make people aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. Photography is a powerful tool, so he discovered he can use it to show/educate the viewer how beautiful and amazing nature is.
”My hope is that if people begin to appreciate nature in its artistic form, they will be more sensible and respectful of it. I started out with single images, but realized that visual stories with strong captures are more efficient to educate my viewers straight away. For example the bait ball: an amazing photo of the bait ball shows the beauty of it, but a series of 6 photos each underlined by a strong capture, tells the story this event. That way you become more interested and passionate. In these days of ecological awareness, nothing is stronger than a visual storytelling. Last July a National Geographic editor appreciated my photographic work in 5 minutes, he criticized it on a 2 hour video conference with me. He explained how my goal now has to be; creating stories out of my images. I was so inspired that immediately I saw how many subjects and topics I can focus on only staying here in Bonaire. So when the chat ended, I rushed into the water and everything was clear to me: I have to create visual stories and I can do it about anything…even here in my backyard!’’
Photography is fascinating. To be a professional photographer is even more fascinating. Being a successful underwater photographer is frustrating. Being an amateur who invested money in gear and trips is ten times more frustrating. Every now and then we are satisfied by our images, but we are always there trying to solve technical issues…and waiting for the kickass image! So, what I can tell is never give up; go in the water as much as you can; start shooting in manual mode and try all the settings, know your camera and understand the results. There are a million sources of good specific information nowadays on the internet: use them! You don’t need the ultimate camera, you need to understand the light and so the basic fundamentals of photography. Learn the basic editing as in this digital world it’s mandatory! Look at the best photographers, take them only as an example, but do not try to copy them! Create your own unique style of shooting, go out of the box! There are million of amazing photographers out there capable of creating beautiful images, but they  all look the same! Create a strong consistent portfolio with the top notch of your photos, be super critical in judge your images. Challenge your self by participating in photo contests and to show your work to the world. To improve you need feedback, but not from your relatives or parents!
One of the biggest tips that Lorenzo gave me was: Always try to create a story around your pictures, inspire people, be critical, know your camera and never give up.


I’d like to show people that every place, every spot is different and unique so it cannot be compared to anything else. If I go in a muddy murky sea bottom I’m sure I’ll find a way to find it special and to tell, in a good or bad way, something about it. I really cannot answer this question as I believe that already underwater is my favorite place to shoot. As a curious photographer as I am, I learned to observe things and not only see them.

Find his work on instagram @lorenzomittiga

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