Come with me to Ingridients Restaurant

Come with me to Ingridiënts

True fine dining, I found it at Ingridiënts Restaurant. Are you ready for an evening filled with delights and culinary discoveries? Let us take you on a tasteful journey to Ingridiënts restaurant at Buddy Dive Resort.

 My girlfriend and I had a small anniversary, which we wanted to celebrate in a beautiful location with a dinner for two. Ingridiënts boasts one of the prettiest views on the island, and indeed not a word about it is a lie. Upon entering, we were blown away by the amazing ocean view. We were welcomed by a friendly waiter who led us to our table. We got lucky and got a nice table at the railing overlooking the sea. The waiter offered us water and home-baked bread for our hungry stomachs.

The Menu
The menu features a lot of variety between fish, meat, and vegetarian dishes. This made it hard to choose, but it got even harder. In addition to the a la carte menu, there is a changing weekly menu. Our waiter carefully explained the dishes from the weekly menu, which could also be ordered separately. Picking our drinks was made easy. Ingridiënts offers a wide choice of wines but luckily the service was helpful, picking matching wines for our dinner.

Driving Cheese Wheel
For starters, we chose the ‘Wicked Tuna’ and the ‘Wahoo Sashimi,’ but the surprise came at the entremets. Since entering the restaurant, we saw the servers prepare a dish at our neighbor’s tables. It looked so impressive that we were eager to try it too. The waiter arrived with a large cheese cart to prepare the ‘Parmesan Truffle Pasta.’ The presentation alone was worth it! The pasta was prepared right before our eyes inside the big Parmesan cheese wheel. Our love for cheese came out again because it was breathtakingly delicious!

For the main courses, we ordered the ‘Spicy Seafood’ pasta and the main course of the week, the ‘Picanha.’ The pasta included the ‘Catch of the Day’, Barracuda. Both dishes were unbelievably delicious and perfectly prepared.

Warm feeling
After the main courses, we could not resist ordering dessert. We took the ‘Scropino’ and ‘Eton Mess.’ With our stomachs full, we were still enjoying our drinks when the manager came to our table. Susanne radiated a warm feeling; she was interested in how our evening had been. Maybe, this is just normal for her, but we were pleasantly surprised by her sincere care for us. It was the perfect end to our evening.

With its variety of dishes, excellent service, and beautiful ambiance with sunset, Ingridiënts is more than just dinner: it is a true experience! The dishes are very tasty, and the team gives you a warm welcome. What are you waiting for: start a culinary adventure at Ingridiënts Restaurant!

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