Convenience of your own private rental villa just got betterTank Delivery

Take advantage of the Buddy Dive tank delivery service when staying at a private rental home. Our staff can also help you with planning your trips and which dive sites not to miss!

Your Buddies™ tank delivery service is offered to divers who are diving with standard air or Nitrox tanks. You can rent a handheld analyzer for the duration of your stay when diving with Nitrox unless you bring your own. With the tank delivery service, it is also possible to rent any other necessary equipment to get the most out of your holiday.

In addition to unlimited diving; the tank delivery service also offers you the availability to dive from the Buddy Dive dock, book boat diving, and private dive guides, and access to Your Buddies™ drive-thru air/Nitrox tank facility.

6 Days Package $205
7 Days Package $239
Tank Delivery $50

Prices are per person and include unlimited air/Nitrox for the package period.

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